Friday, August 30, 2013

Your Own Argument and Opinions.

Probably the biggest hang up for many aspiring entrepreneurs is that they get so caught up with "normal" business start up things like incorporating/forming an LLC, deciding on a company name, choosing a logo, renting an office, purchasing business insurance, etc. that they waste all of their precious start up capital and time setting up a company that looks just like a business, when one of the business steps should be having a while put together business plan. Having that in place will help with the purchasing of office space the capital it will take to run your place of business,etc. "Contracts that cannot be performed within one year are unenforceable unless they are in writing. This one-year period begins on the date the parties make the agreement." Beatty, J. F., & Samuelson, S. S. (2012). Introduction to Business Law, 4th Ed. South-Western College Pub (page 177)  If you want your business to be a success and you don’t have a lot of start up cash, then it is absolutely essential that you have a very strong work ethic.

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